Welcome to my latest domain update with separate listings for those domain extensions available to purchase now under general availability (GA) and those that are at an earlier stage where you cannot purchase but may register an interest in them for when they do become available. Some sites call this pre-ordering or pre-registering but there is no guarantee that you will get the domain names that you show an interest in.
There are many places where you can buy or attempt to register an interest in the new top level domains, just do a search on the extension you are looking for at your normal domain registrar. Alternatively, you can use the My Web Minder Contact page to find out if a particular name is available and how much it will cost.
For further information on domain names or choosing the right name see my other articles from earlier in the year; “What is in a domain name” and “How to pick a domain name“.
For this update, I’ve kept the same format as my last update almost 7 weeks ago. During that time there have been 35 new domain extensions released under GA, so that’s an average of 5 every week and looks like no sign of slowing down. Those domains that are now on GA since my last update are: .airforce, .army, .attorney, .audio, .bayern, .beer, .black, .build, .city, .cymru, .deals, .global, .hamburg, .healthcare, .hiphop, .hiv, .ink, .juegos, .lawyer, .luxury, .market, .mortgage, .navy, .ninja, .nyc, .republican, .sexy, .shiksha, .surf, .tattoo, .vegas, .vet, .voting, .wales and .wien.
Domain extensions available to buy now
- .academy
- .accountants
- .actor
- .agency
- .airforce
- .archi
- .army
- .associates
- .attorney
- .audio
- .bar
- .bargains
- .bayern
- .beer
- .bid
- .bio
- .black
- .blackfriday
- .blue
- .boutique
- .build
- .builders
- .buzz
- .cab
- .camp
- .capital
- .cards
- .care
- .careers
- .cash
- .catering
- .center
- .cheap
- .christmas
- .church
- .city
- .claims
- .cleaning
- .clinic
- .club
- .codes
- .coffee
- .cologne
- .community
- .company
- .computer
- .condos
- .consulting
- .cooking
- .cool
- .country
- .credit
- .creditcard
- .cruises
- .cymru
- .dance
- .dating
- .deals
- .democrat
- .dental
- .digital
- .direct
- .discount
- .domains
- .education
- .engineering
- .events
- .exchange
- .expert
- .exposed
- .fail
- .farm
- .finance
- .financial
- .fish
- .fishing
- .fitness
- .flights
- .florist
- .foundation
- .fund
- .furniture
- .futbol
- .gift
- .glass
- .global
- .gripe
- .guide
- .guitars
- .hamburg
- .healthcare
- .hiphop
- .hiv
- .holiday
- .horse
- .host
- .house
- .industries
- .ink
- .institute
- .insure
- .international
- .investments
- .juegos
- .koeln
- .lawyer
- .lease
- .life
- .limited
- .limo
- .link
- .loans
- .london
- .luxury
- .management
- .market
- .marketing
- .media
- .menu
- .mortgage
- .navy
- .ninja
- .nyc
- .partners
- .parts
- .photo
- .pics
- .pictures
- .pink
- .place
- .press
- .productions
- .properties
- .pub
- .qpon
- .red
- .rentals
- .repair
- .report
- .republican
- .reviews
- .rocks
- .rodeo
- .scot
- .services
- .sexy
- .shiksha
- .social
- .solar
- .solutions
- .supplies
- .supply
- .support
- .surf
- .surgery
- .systems
- .tattoo
- .tax
- .tools
- .town
- .toys
- .trade
- .training
- .uk
- .university
- .vacations
- .vegas
- .vet
- .villas
- .vision
- .vodka
- .voting
- .wales
- .watch
- .webcam
- .website
- .wien
- .wiki
- .works
- .wtf
- .xyz
- .zone
Domain extensions available soon
- .accountant
- .ads
- .adult
- .alsace
- .amsterdam
- .analytics
- .and
- .antivirus
- .apartments
- .app
- .aquitaine
- .architect
- .are
- .art
- .auction
- .auto
- .autoinsurance
- .autos
- .baby
- .band
- .bank
- .barcelona
- .baseball
- .basketball
- .beauty
- .bet
- .bible
- .bingo
- .blog
- .boats
- .boo
- .book
- .boston
- .broadway
- .broker
- .brussels
- .budapest
- .business
- .buy
- .cafe
- .cal
- .cam
- .car
- .carinsurance
- .cars
- .case
- .casino
- .catalonia
- .catholic
- .charity
- .chat
- .click
- .cloud
- .coach
- .college
- .compare
- .contact
- .corp
- .coupon
- .coupons
- .courses
- .cpa
- .creditunion
- .cricket
- .dad
- .data
- .date
- .day
- .dds
- .deal
- .dealer
- .degree
- .delivery
- .dentist
- .design
- .dev
- .diet
- .diy
- .docs
- .doctor
- .dog
- .dot
- .download
- .drive
- .duck
- .earth
- .eat
- .eco
- .ecom
- .energy
- .engineer
- .esq
- .express
- .faith
- .family
- .fan
- .fans
- .fashion
- .feedback
- .film
- .financialaid
- .fit
- .flowers
- .fly
- .foo
- .food
- .football
- .forex
- .forsale
- .forum
- .free
- .frl
- .frontdoor
- .fun
- .fyi
- .game
- .games
- .garden
- .gay
- .gent
- .gifts
- .gives
- .giving
- .glean
- .gmbh
- .gold
- .golf
- .gop
- .green
- .grocery
- .group
- .hair
- .halal
- .hangout
- .health
- .heart
- .help
- .helsinki
- .here
- .hockey
- .home
- .homes
- .hospital
- .hosting
- .hot
- .hoteis
- .hotel
- .hoteles
- .hotels
- .how
- .immo
- .inc
- .ing
- .insurance
- .islam
- .jewelry
- .kid
- .kids
- .kosher
- .law
- .lds
- .legal
- .lgbt
- .lifeinsurance
- .lifestyle
- .live
- .living
- .llc
- .llp
- .loan
- .loft
- .lol
- .lotto
- .love
- .ltd
- .luxe
- .madrid
- .makeup
- .man
- .map
- .markets
- .mba
- .med
- .medical
- .meet
- .meme
- .memorial
- .men
- .miami
- .mls
- .mobile
- .mobily
- .mom
- .money
- .mormon
- .moscow
- .motorcycles
- .mov
- .movie
- .music
- .mutualfunds
- .network
- .new
- .news
- .ngo
- .now
- .nrw
- .one
- .ong
- .online
- .organic
- .page
- .paris
- .party
- .patch
- .pay
- .pet
- .pets
- .pharmacy
- .phd
- .phone
- .physio
- .pid
- .ping
- .pizza
- .play
- .plus
- .poker
- .porn
- .prod
- .prof
- .promo
- .property
- .protection
- .quebec
- .racing
- .radio
- .realestate
- .realtor
- .realty
- .rehab
- .rent
- .restaurant
- .retirement
- .review
- .rip
- .roma
- .room
- .rsvp
- .rugby
- .run
- .saarland
- .safety
- .sale
- .salon
- .save
- .scholarships
- .school
- .science
- .search
- .secure
- .security
- .seek
- .sex
- .shop
- .shopping
- .show
- .silk
- .site
- .ski
- .skin
- .smile
- .soccer
- .software
- .spa
- .space
- .sport
- .sports
- .spot
- .spreadbetting
- .star
- .stockholm
- .storage
- .store
- .stroke
- .studio
- .study
- .style
- .sucks
- .talk
- .taxi
- .team
- .tech
- .tennis
- .theater
- .theatre
- .tickets
- .tires
- .tirol
- .top
- .tour
- .tours
- .trading
- .tube
- .video
- .vin
- .vip
- .vlaanderen
- .vote
- .watches
- .weather
- .web
- .webs
- .wed
- .wedding
- .win
- .wine
- .winners
- .work
- .world
- .wow
- .yachts
- .yoga
- .you
- .zip
- .zuerich
- .zulu
There will be many more becoming available over the coming months so come back soon.