We have been moving things around a bit over the years between several of our business websites and now, after 5 years of Pat Howe Web Solutions and My Web Minder being separate websites, we’ve merged them back together again. Previously, design and development work was handled by Pat Howe Web Solutions and all the other web-related services were handled through My Web Minder. Now My Web Minder serves as one place to get all web-related services including design and development work and only the news and articles remain on
Why your website needs search engine friendly optimisation (SEFO)

In this article I will explain what the search engines are looking for and what they don’t want to see. I will then show you how to get started on your way to search engine friendly optimisation for your website. I see quite a few websites that don’t even have the basics that would help search engines to index their site properly and others that go over the top. Both approaches will be bad for your business so you need the right balance. Google and other internet search providers are
How to cook up your own website

Whether your company needs to maintain a web presence, allow employees access to web-based resources or simply requires customer access to account data via the web, starting up a website can be a daunting task but it doesn’t need to be. Ingredients There are 3 main ingredients that you will need to cook up your own website; website files, website address and website hosting. Explanation Website files are what will be displayed when someone visits your website. These files can be static (always display the same), dynamic (may display differently